Sunday 10 April 2016

Gingerbread and Beans

The children thoroughly enjoyed the story of The Gingerbread Man, they made and shaped their own gingerbread man, as well as a dog and a bed for the dog.

I put together a story basket and as per normal they spent time acting out the story and then retelling it again adding new characters to the story.

We made our own pigs out of paper plates to act out the story of the Three Little Pigs, then they tried to build three houses for them, with varying degrees of success. They also enjoyed watching some clips of piglets on you tube.

We have planted some bean seeds in a ziploc bag that I have now stuck to the patio door, so over the next few weeks we can see the beans develop their roots as well as their leaves.

My older little ones love making patterns and pictures with the large hama beads and so I put the 2D shapes for them to explore, they had a wonderful time making different patterns and they decided to add some of the coloured buttons to them.

L loves to count how many jumps, hops etc she has done, so I wrote out numbers one to ten on the patio for her to jump on and count, she enjoyed trying to work out what the different numbers were, she can recognise numbers one and two so far.

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